Welcome to my humble abode...
Self-Published Author

About booksbyshaelyn
Thanks for visiting me! I'm a Pepsi addict, daydreamer, and over-thinker.
I have 2 romance series available on Amazon!
​The Partner Assignment Trilogy
Work Sucks (Novella Series)
If you're interested in my Figure Skating Workbook, check out my "Skating Book" page!
I strive to write the type of stories that I personally love reading. I live for slow burn, subtle touches, and some spice of course.

Story of booksbyshaelyn
Oh boy... I'm much better at writing fiction than fact.
I grew up during the Hunger Games and Twilight era. Team Peeta forever and yes, I did have a poster of Taylor Lautner in my room.
No shame.
I have 2 cats who like to watch me write and frequently rub their faces on my laptop screen. I also thoroughly enjoy reading smutty fanfiction and binge watching romcom anime shows. Or any good anime shows, or just TV shows in general... ;)
Honestly I just love writing fun and interesting stories so if you're into that, then you're in the right place!

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